Step-by-Step Installation of Sitecore 10 Commerce Storefront using Sitecore Complete Install Assistant (SCIA)


SQL Server: SQL Server 2017

Windows OS: Windows 10 Pro

Windows Hosting Bundle Installer 2.1.16 

SCIA 3.6 Release

1. One of the main prerequisites for Sitecore Commerce 10 installation is a SXA-enabled site. My earlier blog details how to install a Sitecore 10 Website using SCIA. Note that even Sitecore Install Assistant (SIA) is accessible through SCIA. So, you can use the same for the basic Sitecore website installation.

2. Once you have installed the Sitecore 10 website, let's launch the SCIA executable by right clicking and "Run as Administrator". Provide the SQL Server Connection details and Connect:

3. If the login form disappears, the DB connection is successful. Since we will need to download packages from Sitecore Developer Network (SDN), let's connect to SDN beforehand so that we can readily download and setup the prerequisites when we go to the Sitecore Commerce installer form. Click on the SDN Login menu button and provide your SDN credentials and press the Login button -

If the credentials are correct, the SDN Login form disappears. Also, after the disappearance, if you hover over the SDN Login menu button, the tooltip would show SDN Logout. So, an indication that you are currently logged into SDN.

4. Next, launch the Sitecore Version Selector form and select Version 10 and click save button since we are going to install Sitecore Commerce 10. 

Note that the dropdown will be blank if the SCIA db is not populated. If you are using the SCIA application for first time , ensure the SCIA DB is populated as per my first time SCIA installation blog.

5. Once version 10 is selected in the above step, the installers specific to the version get enabled in the main menu bar:

Since we plan to install Sitecore Commerce 10, click the highlighted Commerce installer menu button.

6. The DB details are pre-populated with the necessary credentials. So, click the DB Connection Check button in the form's menu bar (highlighted below):

7. If this is the first time you are using the SCIA application, you will be presented with the Settings form. Even otherwise, you can click the Settings menu button to check the settings saved already. 
If you haven't saved the correct Braintree account details, provide the same in the Braintree tab and save as shown above.

8. Close the Settings form. Back in the Commerce Install Assistant, you should already be in the Site Info tab after passing the DB Connection Check:

9. Provide the Sitecore site prefix  that is SXA-Enabled. I already created a Sitecore website as per my earlier blog. So, will  provide the same site prefix here. If I provide a non-existent site prefix  and press the next button in the form menu bar, I get this status message:

10. So, will provide the same site prefix as the one created in my earlier blog : 

11. Press the next button in the form menu bar (highlighted below) to see details auto-populated across different tabs:

Note that all the traversal buttons will be enabled now so that you can check all necessary details.

12. Since I'm interested in the Solr info, I click the Solr tab to find if all details are pre-populated from the original Sitecore website  created through my earlier blog -

13. Next, if you click on the Ports list item in the right side, you can see that ports are already assigned for different services:

14. You can now check if the assigned ports are actually free by clicking the Check Port Availability button in the form's menu bar (highlighted below):

As per the status message, the ports are readily available, we are good to go.

15. Next, let's do a validation check too by clicking the Validate All button in the menu bar:

Since we don't have the necessary packages in the local file system, the application complains about the same.

16. Let's launch the Prerequisites form by clicking the highlighted button in the menu bar:

17. Since we haven't stored anything in the file system, the prerequisite form is all red now. So,  first of all, let us download the packages from the SDN we already logged in an earlier step:

Once you click the Download All Pre-requisites link highlighted above, PowerShell gets launched and does the process of downloading the packages from SDN.

18. This should take a few moments depending on the internet connection. Once the PowerShell prompt returns, you must be able to see the Sitecore Commerce 10 package + other necessary prerequisites present in the file system:

19.a The next step is to setup the environment. So, click the Setup Prerequisites button in the Prerequisites form:

19.b This process downloads Redis, .NET hosting environment and installs the same. So, please press Yes / Next to the dialogs that appear. If you are sure any of the prerequisites are already present, you can abort that specific installation: 

20. Once the setup is all done, reopen the prerequisites form from the Commerce installer form menu bar and now all items would be checked and green:

Note that although there are many URLs (Download Links) in the prerequisites form, they are just provided for reference. 

21.a Let's cross check if the setup is all fine in the file system:

21.b You should find the msbuild and  SIF.Sitecore.Commerce.5.0.49 folders in unzipped state and the Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.dll should be present under MSBuild\tools\VSToolsPath\Web\ folder. Also, you should find the PSE and SXA zips copied under Sitecore.Commerce.WDP.2020.08-6.0.238 folder:

22. So, time to go back to the Commerce Install Assistant form and click the Validate All button once more :

You should receive a Congrats message since all prerequisites are available in the file system this time.

23. You can either generate the Commerce PS Scripts or directly press the Install button. I choose the latter. This launches the PS Window and the install script getting executed:

You should also find the custom-generated install script  in the file system for the Commerce website. 

Note that without the 2.1.16 bundler installation, you will get a 502.5 process error during the identity token generation process. Here is a screen shot of the versions in this machine that ran a successful Commerce install -

24. Understandably, the install process will take a while and you should wait until the PowerShell Command prompt returns without any errors. For a change, here are the sites installed after a successful run:


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