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A hack to compress Webp format asset below 1 MB size in Sitecore Contenthub

I'm unsure if this is a well-known hack but it seemed useful for a very common scenario, which is compressing images without reducing the width and height of the webp asset. So, today I encountered a situation wherein the original image assets were in 4 MB range and had to be reduced below 1 MB as part of audit recommendations. Now, it is probably quite familiar that in Content hub you can use the Convert image task to convert to webp format. No surprises here: First of all, to understand what I mean, upload an approved asset: Next, click refresh rendition for the compression to take effect considering that the web flow task is originally published: At this point, the compression is done but wouldn't be in a desirable range - Could be a 90% compression in size or 50% size compression depending on the dimensions of the image. So, add another task to do the compression flow and this time the Content Disposition is inline since it takes the input from the renamed (original) Interm

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