Some interesting moments from the Sitecore Hackathon 2025, plugin review process, Stack Overflow answer et al

It is probably stale news now that the Sitecore hackathon happened last weekend 7/mar/25-8/mar/25. It is also old news that my team is named Sitecorelemon - "the one fruit team". It took me one complete day to get out of the night-out hang-over. Once I woke up, I just realised  how much fun it was. Although I haven't met any of the people here in person, the environment was so lively and fun to say the least. It also made me realise that things that are usually strenuous could become enjoyable if you have like-minded people supporting each other. Here are some of the snapshots from the conversation in the slack channel so that you get the pulse of the hackathon. The ideas email was sent 1 hour before the start of the hackathon. The organisers decided to keep the hackathon open-ended this year considering the fluidity of current trends. The hackathon gave me a way to foray and experiment with latest trends in one-night since my submission covered a plethora of technologies/platforms - 

1. Azure, 

2. AI, 

3. JavaScript, 

4. Sitecore XM Cloud 

5. html and css for the Chrome extension development. 

What better way to rediscover oneself, in a crashed approach, than the hackathon. Thus, Sitecorelemon goes from no submission last year to a full-blooded working tool submission this year!

Update: the chrome extension is published after review by the Chrome store... available here.

Topics/Ideas email:

Everybody was encouraged to share pics, I shared this pic since my team is Sitecorelemon:

Some interesting queries:

Some fighting-with-sleep after friday work:

Some hype:

Some propaganda:

Some informal dialogues:

Some Round-the-globe and round-the-clock scenarios:

Some insight into other side of the world:

Some queries to keep others awake:

Some pep talk:

Some interesting scenarios:

Some interesting team titles:

Some poking: 

Some more poking:

Some whacky sense of humour:


Run away:

My LI Posts:

Google chrome extension review process:

The extension took about 10 days to be get approved after getting rejected a couple of times with the following comment via email. Although the turnaround for the review was around 2 days, I misunderstood the error and re-submitted the plugin without fixing it and hence went for two rounds of review. In case if you get the same comment, the way I resolved is, I removed the following line from manifest.json since local storage worked fine even without this line. So, use your judgement with regard to review comments then fix and test your extension before resubmitting for review.


Rejection Email:



We regret to inform you that the most recent submission of your item was rejected. Please find the details below.

Chrome Web Store: Rejection notification for Sitecore XM Cloud Item Finder


Chrome Web Store

12 Mar 2025, 18:33 (11 days ago)
to me
Chrome Web Store


We regret to inform you that the most recent submission of your item was rejected. Please find the details below.

Item name: Sitecore XM Cloud Item Finder

Item ID: lincbklhmfnniobcndpkekdakndlfkih.


Use of permissions:

  • Violation reference ID: Purple Potassium
  • Violation:
    Requesting but not using the following permission(s):
    • storage
  • How to rectify: Remove the above permission(s)
  • Relevant section of the programme policy:
    • Request access to the narrowest permissions necessary to implement your product's features or services. Don't attempt to 'future proof' your product by requesting a permission that might benefit services or features that have not yet been implemented. (learn more)


Also, after approval of  the extension, my home address was visible in the bottom Details section of the public page and I saw that this query is already raised in StackOverflow so, I responded with the fix that worked for me.
