Sitecore Config File Data as API/Console application
I built a console application to expose the engine that collects some of the important Sitecore configuration tags. Currently, the console app can be output as either html or csv. Based on the core parser logic, I plan to build and expose these tag entities as APIs so that they can be compared at-will across Sitecore versions and presented as per a FED' wish. Since we are in the API-first world of Sitecore, these APIs could be used for Sitecore-based PoCs.
So, here is the sneak peek of the basic console application:
For long, I have always thought that config files have a lot of useful information and would be good to pull/put it altogether. This work is as a result of that brooding. The engine is basically a file parser that reads the config files in Sitecore web root file system, it then does some processing like blank line cleanup, multi-line comments consolidation into one line and then searches for specific tags and builds the specific entity list. So far, here are a few lists. Plan to add more entities to this list and will update this blog post as a continuous process - whenever new Sitecore version is added as well as to support existing Sitecore version comparison.
1. Pipeline List:
All pipelines are listed here. Even if the pipeline doesn't have a processor, it is part of this list.
Lists the pipeline along with processor and the method. Pipelines without processors are not listed here, they are part of the pipeline list though. A processor could have multiple entries here considering the fact that methods within the processor are also listed here.
3. Event list:
5. Settings List:
All Sitecore settings and default values are listed here. Since a setting can have multiple roles and different values for each role, such settings are listed in separate rows along-with specific comments.
6. Command List:
All Sitecore commands and their related type is listed here.
7. Variable list:
Lists all Sitecore variables with default values.
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