dotnet hosting bundler 2.1.15 prerequisite for Sitecore Commerce 10 installation
OS: Windows 11 Home
The following Sitecore Commerce 10.0 Installation Error was thrown due to lack of dotnet hosting bundler 2.1.15. On installing dotnet hosting bundler 2.1.15, the Sitecore Commerce 10.0 install was successful.
My machine setup before installing the dotnet hosting bundler 2.1.15:
Although there were higher versions of the hosting bundler, the install failed:
File System- Aspnet core app versions:
Note that I already had 3.1.8 in the file system -
PS Error:
Get Token From Sitecore.IdentityServer
POST with -1-byte payload
Install-SitecoreConfiguration :
IIS 10.0 Detailed Error - 500.21 - Internal Server Error
HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error
Handler "aspNetCore" has a bad module "AspNetCoreModule" in its module list
Most likely causes:
Managed handler is used; however, ASP.NET is not installed or is not installed completely. There is a
typographical error in the configuration for the handler module list. During application initialization, either the
application initialization feature has set skipManagedModules to true, or a rewrite rule is setting a URL that maps to
a managed handler and is also setting SKIP_MANAGED_MODULES=1.
Things you can try:
Install ASP.NET if you are using managed handler. Ensure that the handler module's name is specified correctly.
Module names are case-sensitive and use the format
modules="StaticFileModule,DefaultDocumentModule,DirectoryListingModule". Ensure that any application initialization
rewrite rules set SKIP_MANAGED_MODULE=0 when setting a URL that maps to a managed handler (such as .aspx, for
example.) As an alternative, ensure that application initialization rewrite rules map the request to an unmanaged
handler (for example, to an .htm file, which is mapped to the StaticFileHandler.)
Detailed Error Information:
Module IIS Web Core
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler aspNetCore
Error Code 0x8007000d
Requested URL
Physical Path c:\inetpub\wwwroot\\connect\token
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
More Information:
IIS core does not recognize the module.
View more information »
At C:\projects\SitecoreCompleteInstallAssistant\SCIA\SCIA\SCIAWinApp\SCIAWinApp\bin\x64\Debug\Sitecore.Commerce.WDP.202
0.08-6.0.238\SIF.Sitecore.Commerce.5.0.49\ char:2
+ Install-SitecoreConfiguration @deployCommerceParams -Verbose *>&1 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Install-SitecoreConfiguration
[TIME] 00:41:22
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