Technical Blogging - guiding principles

 When I started blogging and even till date, there are a lot of questions popping up in my mind all the time. Also, opinions like "oh you have so much time?" just adds fuel to the fire. Also, blogging is an important selection criteria for any technology Most Valuable Professional (MVP). So, I decided to put my guiding force as a set of principles here. Good if it drives someone thinking they are doing something silly!

Share First-hand experience: Always share your own experience of a scenario or topic. That way, even if multiple articles exist on the web, you add another dimension to the topic
Add diagrams: Diagrams speak volumes about your understanding and can easily make an impact with the reader
Summarise: A crisp two lines on top telling what is covered in the post
Problem and Solution: Add relevant headings like problem and solution wherever possible
Be Consistent: Try to fix a frequency and stick to it irrespective of if the frequency is monthly or weekly.
Keep it short: Rather than adding multiple topics in one post, breakdown the topics and add separate blog articles
My time, my effort: I always tell this to myself and that too when I start questioning myself and my content
Don’t expect: Don’t expect people to like and appreciate what you do. If they do, it is a bonus since this is your hobby
Don’t be concerned about something going wrong: Readers are smart enough to pick the right concepts from your blog and filter the rest
Community service is important: Blogging is community service since it adds a dimension to your personality
Blog is a log book: Your blog is like a log book to showcase your experience and can act as a reference notes for yourself more than others
Be thankful: I always feel grateful about the amount of love I get. Most importantly, I feel I have a way to keep my mind occupied and at the end of the day, keeps me happy and helps me make better life choices.
