PowerShell cmdline utility to list Blog Articles in a csv file
As part of the Sitecore MVP application process, last year and the year before, one of the issues I struggled with was listing my blogs in a table format. It took me a few weeks of procrastination and finally I had to sit down one full weekend to pull the list of blog articles manually in date, url and title table format.
Right from then, I was thinking if I could access the google blogger spot api endpoints and then I could write a PS utility to export the list. So, this weekend I decided to do the same!
Here is a sneak peek of my blog articles from Nov 30 2021 till date:
Here is the Blogger API end point List:
Then, based on this url, I created a GCP account to register a project and enable the API:
Credit Card Details for trial:
My project in Google Cloud Platform for reference:
Now, time to write some PowerShell script code:
So, here is my script that accepts a few params and outputs the blogs in a csv format!
Note that in the below script, blog id is important and I get the same from the following call:
# .\bloglistfordaterange.ps1 -url "https://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/737434465710481871/?key=mysecretapikeyfromgcp&maxPosts=400" -fromDate '2021-11-30T00:00:00-00:00' -toDate '2022-03-31T23:59:59-00:00'
param (
$response=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url
$filteredresponse=$response.posts.items | Where-Object {($_.published -gt $fromDate) -and ($_.published -lt $toDate)}
$filteredresponse | Select-Object -Property title,url,published |
Export-Csv -Path .\bloglist.csv -NoTypeInformation
Blog list stored in csv format stored in file system:
My Published blogs for MVP 2023 nomination ready at any time with just a PS cmdline invocation!
Wanted to take stock of my total blog articles and here is the list of 199 articles in one file!
API Reference: https://developers.google.com/blogger/docs/3.0/reference/posts/list
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