Launching Sitecore MVP 10.2 Site - Part 1
It is always good to blog about an issue that you can't find a google search result for but sometimes, the issue can be as trivial as this one in this blog! I prefer blogging such things since they could be useful to someone somewhere and it is also a way to account my time spent on such an issue! I also tell myself to err is human!
As part of setting up the latest Sitecore MVP 10.2 Site, I ran into these bizarre errors every time I executed up.ps1
error while interpolating services.solr.mem_limit: failed to cast to expected type: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "1GB": invalid syntax
error while interpolating services.mssql.mem_limit: failed to cast to expected type: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "2GB": invalid syntax
error while interpolating failed to cast to expected type: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "4GB": invalid syntax
error while interpolating services.mvp-rendering.mem_limit: failed to cast to expected type: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "2GB": invalid syntax
Without reading the error properly, I went ahead and tried a lot of things including the following although these are not relevant:
- Installed IIS
- Installed SQL Server
- Installed Sitecore CLI 4.0.0
- Installed .Net Core 3.1 version in spite of having 6.1
- Checked if my HD had 40 GB RAM free space
But, in the end, when I was going through the github history, I realised a series of mem_limit vars are added part of .env file and they had GB attached to them and it then struck me that this is not desired as part of further processing and I changed those to be integers as follows:
Now, up.ps1 worked:
I intend to push this .env file to the Sitecore MVP Github repo once the MVP site is up and running in my local since my CM instance is not launching yet, more on that in the next blog!
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