DRM Rights Profile in Sitecore Content Hub

Digital Rights Management(DRM):

Digital rights management is the concept of setting up rights profiles in order to restrict asset download based on Territory, media type and date range of access.

It is important to understand the different terms in case of Rights Profile to answer questions in the Sitecore Contenthub exam.

Although the Sitecore documentation has some content, in my opinion, context must be explained and scenarios must be understood with respect to the rights profiles hence this blog article.

A DRM contract is a container for one or more rights profiles

Assets can be downloaded based on all or any rights profile matching the use-case.

All vs Any:

Any: Similar to OR condition in if statement

All: Similar to AND condition in if statement

OR is same as union in Venn diagram

AND is same as intersection in Venn diagram


Important to understand that Media or media type is assumed to have the following hierarchical structure:

All Media










With the above hierarchy in mind, let's assume these 2 rights profile:


Sep 14, 2020 12:00 AMMay 1, 2021 12:00 AMWorldSocial
May 5, 2020 12:00 AMJan 1, 2021 12:00 AMEuropeDigital

Rights Profile Union:

Now, Use Case-1:

A user wants to download a related asset with the following intended use:

  • Start date: September 8th, 2020
  • End date: December 31st, 2020
  • Territory: France
  • Media: Social

Let's apply Any (OR) condition now (refer diagram for summary of the profiles):

Start Date and End Date fall within the range in the diagram

Territory is France and it is part of world!

Also, social falls within Digital media

So, this asset is downloadable

Assuming if media is Digital in the use-case, since use-case satisfies the second rights profile, the asset will still be downloadable

Next, Use Case-2:

Now, a user wants to download the asset with the following intended use:

  • Start date: September 8th, 2020
  • End date: December 31st, 2020
  • Territory: France
  • Media: Traditional

Rights Profile Union:

Let's apply Any (OR) condition for this too:

Start date and end date within the range in the diagram

Territory France is in the world!

Traditional is not at all covered 

In other words, even if you union both the profiles, Traditional is not in the whole range

So, the user will not have rights to download the asset



Sep 7, 2020 12:00 AMDec 31, 2020 11:55 PMWorldSocial
May 5, 2020 12:00 AMMay 21, 2021 11:55 PMFranceDigital

Rights Profile Intersection: 

Use Case-3:

A user wants to download a related asset with the following intended use:

  • Start date: December 1st, 2020
  • End date: December 29th, 2020
  • Territory: France
  • Media: Digital

Although dates and territory are satisfied by both profiles, note that Digital is a super set of social. So, the asset download fails as per the depicted intersection.

Use Case-4:

Now, a user wants to download the asset with the following intended use:

  • Start date: September 8th, 2020
  • End date: October 31st, 2020
  • Territory: France
  • Media: Social
Rights Profile Intersection: 

Dates satisfy both rights profiles, territory is satisfied by both too. Since Social is a subset of digital, both rights profile are satisfied. So, asset download is allowed. In other words, the use-case falls in the intersection.

With questions such as these in the exam, apply the answer options to (and / any) rights profiles as per the scenario and pick the option that satisfies the condition.

Reference: https://docs.stylelabs.com/contenthub/4.1.x/content/user-documentation/manage/drm/rights-profile/any-all.html


  1. Hello Nevan, Thank you for this post it really helped me. I was just not sure about the Use Case-2.
    You mention you use any (OR), should the result not give the user access to download because it passed 2 out of 3 requirements?


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