Access the Sitecore GraphQL Query UI Editor
Recently, I was trying to dabble with graphql endpoints and when I tried to access, the endpoint - /sitecore/api/graph/items/master/ui, I got this page not found error:
I had set the web.config debug flag to true, which is one of the pre-requisites to access the graphql endpoint.
Since I wanted to access master db contents, I then enabled the Sitecore.Services.GraphQL.Content.Master.config under \App_Config\Sitecore\Services.GraphQL
Accessed the endpoint again:
This time some improvement but got the "Authentication required." message:
Although I was logged in to Sitecore, I still was getting the same error. Then, I decided to check the root cause as to when this error is thrown:
Actual file:
Since this was my local environment, took the privilege to set the authentication flag to false in the Sitecore.Services.GraphQL.config:
Now, access the graph ql endpoint, some light in the dark:
Results from a GraphQL query on the master db:
Respective config for the db must be enabled to access the corresponding GraphQL editor:
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