How to push changes to a open-source (Sitecore Instance Manager) Github Repository?

This is a beginner / basic-level article about how to push your changes to an open-source github repository. 

What is the context?

Recently, I raised a pull request for my changes to Sitecore Instance Manager Repository. This and generally working with any open-source repository involves forking  the original repository and working with your forked repository since you don't have permission to directly commit to the original repository.  You also need a remote reference to pull the changes committed to the original open-source repository by other developers.

Here is my diagram for the flow since a picture speaks better than a thousand words!


1. Fork: You need a github account and must be logged into github. Then, go to the open-source github repository that you want to fork, in my case its - Once you click on the fork button, you will get an option to assign fork to your account. Click on your account and a forked repository will be created just for you. Since I already forked the repository, this is what I see when I click the fork button:

2. git Clone: Now, since the forked repository is my own copy of the original github repository of the open-source code, the repository url looks like this in my case and I can clone the code to my local machine:

Next, the most important part:

Create a remote reference named upstream for the repository from where you forked -

In my case, since I use the Sitecore Instance Manager repository, the git bash command looks like this:
git remote add upstream

3. git Checkout: Now, as with any github repository, I can create and  checkout a feature branch and work on the same. I use a tool like git extensions for this purpose.

4. git Commit: As with any feature branch, you can commit the changes. I use a tool like git extensions for this purpose.

5. git Push: Push the feature branch to your forked repository. I use a tool like git extensions for this purpose.

6. Raise a PR (thru Github) to be approved by the reviewers and merged into the remote repository:

7. Once your changes and other developers' changes are merged in the remote repository, you can pull those changes using git bash by executing: git pull upstream develop

Note that develop is the branch name I wanted to sync from the remote repository 

8. Then, use git push origin develop to get the latest changes to your local environment -

Now, you can continue with the flow: make code changes, commit / push-up, raise PR and pull from remote upstream, push into your local repository, as simple as that!



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