Sitecore Demo Edge site: Server Error: Cannot find module for page: /[[...path]]
This is a shady error. It happens only once and the very first-time of the Sitecore Demo Edge site load.
Context and Solution:
As part of setting up Sitecore Demo Edge site locally and executing up.ps1 after setting up node modules (location: \Sitecore.Demo.Edge\Website\src\rendering), the home page doesn't appear first-time and the following error is thrown. If I believe myself, all that needs to be done is manually install npm packages (in a new cmd prompt) then in a "new" PowerShell prompt, execute up.ps1. The error was gone and the site loaded fine thereafter!
To prove this definitely worked, I commented the npm install related lines from up.ps1, then manually performed npm install in the concerned folder and, then opened a new PS prompt, executed up.ps1 to see the site load fine!
Server Error
Error: Cannot find module for page: /[[...path]]
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