Dubious Sitecore CLI Error - '--authority' was not matched. Did you mean '--authority'?


Execute the dotnet sitecore login command in PS command prompt and although the argument names are passed correctly, the error does not make sense!

dotnet sitecore login --authority 'https://mvpidentityserver.dev.local/' --cm 'https://mvpsc.dev.local/' --allow-write true


Just restart PowerShell and run the command again 


PS C:\projects\mvp-site> dotnet sitecore login --authority 'https://mvpidentityserver.dev.local/' --cm 'https://mvpsc.dev.local/' --allow-write true

'--authority' was not matched. Did you mean '--authority'?

'--cm' was not matched. Did you mean '--cm'?

'--allow-write' was not matched. Did you mean '--allow-write'?

'true' was not matched. Did you mean 'trace'?

Unrecognized command or argument '--authority'

Unrecognized command or argument 'https://mvpidentityserver.dev.local/'

Unrecognized command or argument '--cm'

Unrecognized command or argument 'https://mvpsc.dev.local/'

Unrecognized command or argument '--allow-write'

Unrecognized command or argument 'true'
