Build a Sitecore Custom RTE and Serialize to File System and sync back to Sitecore using Unicorn
This blog article covers a bare minimal project to create a Unicorn setup, creates a customized Rich Text Editor then perform Unicorn serialize, sync to see the changes work fine!
1. Create an ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) project.
2. Install Unicorn nuget package:
3. Since my target Sitecore version is 10.2, I disabled Unicorn.DataProvider.config.4. Then, I set my root web.config in my Visual Studio solution as follows:
Build Action: None
Copy to Output Directory: Do not copy
5. Then, setup a Visual Studio publish folder profile to the website root.
6. Ensure users have full control over the webroot folder:
7. Now, publish from visual studio and the publish must be successful:
8. Now, when you access unicorn.aspx, you should see this page:
9. Next, will add just the minimal configurations to serialize core db items, specifically rte related menu. As per that approach, source folder location added in the Visual Studio solution: App_Config\Include\zzzz\SourceFolder.config:
<configuration xmlns:patch="" xmlns:role="">
<sc.variable name="sourceFolder" value="C:\Users\conta\source\repos\WebApplication10\WebApplication10" />
10. Serialization must happen for only the core db items, specifically, this path in Sitecore:
/sitecore/system/Settings/Html Editor Profiles/Project/Sitecore/Rich Text Custom
So, specify the same in Visual Studio solution under \App_Config\Include\Project\Website\Sitecore.Project.Website.config
<configuration xmlns:patch="" xmlns:role="">
<sitecore role:require="Standalone or ContentManagement">
<configuration name="Project.Sitecore.Website" description="Website content" dependencies="Foundation.*,Feature.*">
<targetDataStore physicalRootPath="$(sourceFolder)\$(layer)\$(module)\serialization" useDataCache="false" singleInstance="true"/>
<include name="Settings" database="core" path="/sitecore/system/settings/Html Editor Profiles/project/Sitecore" />
11. This is how my VS sln looks now:
12. When you access the unicorn.aspx, this is how it looks:
13. Next, I setup a custom RTE in Sitecore Core DB as follows under /sitecore/system/settings/Html Editor Profiles/project/Sitecore:
14. Time to serialize to file system from the Unicorn page:
16. Now, the idea of the new RTE is to keep all options except the background color fill:
17. Since the yml files are already serialized to the file system, I delete the backcolor.yml file from the file system in the following location:
Project\Sitecore\serialization\Settings\Sitecore\Rich Text Custom\Toolbar 2
18. Now, sync the files to Sitecore using Unicorn page:
Backcolor fill not present in Core DB now:
19. Next, switch to Master DB and create a template that is same as Sample Item but rename it as New Item and the RTE here will point to the newly created core item:
20. Now, I alter my serialization settings to include this new template, then remember to do a Visual Studio Publish of this config file!
Note that the Master db in the above line must be master and not Master since id is case-sensitive and hence will throw an error.
21. Since I just have one set of files, I cleanup the serialization folder in the file system and perform Initial serialization from the Unicorn page:
22. The end-result is satisfactory:
23. File System:
24. Add the new template to the Sitecore Content tree to cross-check the end-result:
Background color fill button is not visible in the custom RTE!
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