Solr 9.x installation using SIF
One of the most exciting aspects of working with Sitecore is, there is always something to tinker around. For instance, recent versions of Solr or in other words, 9.x version can't be installed with the existing solr scripts that come with the Sitecore installation tool or SIF. To make this work has been in my radar for quite sometime since I couldn't wait for the next Sitecore release when Solr 9.x will also be "probably" accommodated. So, I thought why not have a way to fix the installation scripts now and it would be exciting to compare what Sitecore development team has done when the release occurs later this year. So, here is the blog post for the same. Now, this might not be the perfect way to do the Solr installation since the Solr documentation has a straight forward approach . On the other hand, my goal was to make the existing Sitecore json file to work with Install-SitecoreConfiguration command as well as make it generic for all 9.x versions including 9.8....